1. The Leadership Moment - Background Information

View the below 'Draw my story' video for an animated description of the Leadership Moment! Refer to below for transcript.

This early September, I was invited by my Diploma to join the organizing committee of an annual pageant bash as alumni.

I joined the Resources Committee and Alex, was the Head of Resources. The Resources team was responsible for sourcing of required resources and stage props.

However, Alex is someone with many other commitments does not bother to keep us informed and efficiency was greatly reduced due to the short of time for us to get things done.

Furthermore, Alex would only take credit for our work but does not take effort to spearhead things to get done. Janice, one of the members, took the initiative to lead the group knowing that the team cannot function with an incompetent leader like Alex. The main committee was gradually aware of the Alex’s incompetency and eventually passed on instructions to Janice directly instead of Alex. Despite supposedly being a follower, Janice took pride in her work and led us well in order to complete the tasks and fulfilled what Alex was incapable of accomplishing.

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